
Session tracking and session management

Question 1: Describe the servlet architecture and the different information invoked by the servlet container.

Question 2: Describe DOM event handling in detail.

Question 3: What do you mean by session? Describe how client state is maintained by using session and as well describe about session tracking and session management by using an illustration.

Question 4: List the XML syntax rules in detail and describe how a XML document can be displayed on a browser.

Question 5: Consider the database table with the given structure Student(studentname, register_number, Grade_obtained, Age). Write a JSP to display all the details of the Student.

Question 6: Describe the model view controller architecture pattern in detail.

Question 7: What does JSP scripting component comprises of? Describe with program.

Question 8: Describe how XML is processed with the help of SAX.

Question 9: Write a DTD for the given schema (emp_id, emp_name (firstname, lastname), dob(dd, mm, yyyy), address(city, state)).

Question 10: Describe the SOAP elements and JAX RPC in detail.

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Computer Networking: Session tracking and session management
Reference No:- TGS06903

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