
Services marketing

Question 1: Give examples of how, throughout the past 10 years, Internet and telecommunications technologies, like interactive voice response systems (IVRs) and mobile commerce have changed some of the service which you use?

Question 2: Select a service company with which you are familiar and show how each of the seven elements (7Ps) of integrated service management applies.

Question 3: Make of a list of 12 services which you have used throughout the past month:

a) Classify them by type of process.

b) In which instances could you have avoided visiting the service factory and rather obtained services at arm’s length? Comment on it.

c) How did other customers influence your own service experiences, either positively or negative?

Question 4: How can quality service be used in the manufacturing context for competitive advantage? Think of your answer to this question in the context to automobile or computers.

Question 5: Study the consumption side of customer or yourself. Make a list of a product or services which are consumed in a typical day from the time one wakes up to the time when one goes off sleep. List down the services one uses.

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Marketing Management: Services marketing
Reference No:- TGS03084

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