
Service advertising agency

Question 1: Describe the main activities you would relate with the main departments of a full service advertising agency.

Question 2: Differentiate between pre-testing and post-testing advertising research and describe two research methods that can be used in order to measure the efficiency of an advertising campaign.

Question 3: Describe what you understand by the given terms:

a) Corporate advertising
b) Range advertising
c) Financial advertising

Question 4: The advertising code of practice is developed in order to protect the interests of society. Comment on this statement and identify the main points of the advertising code of practice used in your country.

Question 5: Describe how sales promotions can support advertising campaigns throughout the launch of new products. Give examples to support your recommendations.

Question 6: As an independent consultant, you have been asked by one of your clients to make a report that describes the key factors to be considered in the selection of advertising media for the company’s advertising campaign. What information would you comprise in your report?

Question 7: Write notes on three of the given:

a) Message content
b) Message structure
c) Unique selling proposition
d) Copy platform

Question 8: Describe two methods that advertising managers can use in order to establish the size of the company’s advertising budget.

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Other Subject: Service advertising agency
Reference No:- TGS04813

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