
Sequential search be able to give a description not code

Need help explaining these problems.

Sequential Search: be able to give a description (NOT code), explain why its runtime is linear, and detail when it can and cannot be used.

Binary Search: be able to give a description (NOT code), explain why its runtime is log n, and detail when it can and cannot be used.

Describe the bubble, selection, and insertion sorts. (NOT code).

Be able to compare them to each other and discuss which are more efficient even though they are all n^2 runtimes.

Be able to describe the binary search tree. Given a list of values to be entered, be able to create the resulting binary search tree.

Be able to perform preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of a binary search tree. Be able to describe the various BST methods, especially insert and erase (which includes the discussion of the predecessor and successor methods for erasing a value from the BST).

Be able to discuss the advantages disadvantages of using a BST as a back-end storage to an ordered list implementation over the use of linked lists and arrays.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Sequential search be able to give a description not code
Reference No:- TGS02876042

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