We have to write a program to create a student file with just two fields: sno i.e. Student Number and same i.e. Student Name. Add a few records. Modify the record with sno=1 assno=10. You can use sequential file I-O.
identification division.
program- id. s2.
environment division.
input-output section.
select stu- file assign to disk
organization is line sequential
access mode is sequential
file status is fs.
data division.
file section.
fd stu- file
label records are standard
value of file- id is 'stu.dat'
data record is stu-rec.
01 stu-rec.
02 sno pic 9(2).
02 sname pic x(10).
working-storage section.
01 ans pic x value space.
01 fs pic x(2) value spaces.
01 eof pic x value space.
procedure division.
display(1 1) erase.
open extend stu- file.
perform g-w-para until ans = "n".
close stu-file.
open i-o stu-file.
if fs = '30'
open output stu-file
close stu-file
open i-o stu-file.
read stu- file at end move 'y' to eof.
perform rewrite-para until eof = 'y'.
close stu-file.
stop run.
display(1 1) erase.
display(3 5) "Sno : ".
accept sno.
display(5 5) "Sname : ".
accept sname.
write stu-rec.
display(10 5) "Continue [ y/ n ] : ".
accept ans.
if sno="01"
move 10 to sno
rewrite stu-rec.
read stu- file at end move 'y' to eof.