
sequence of actions the precise sequence of

Sequence of Actions : The precise sequence of actions in emergency situations is governed by the circumstances. The following order is of general application:

(1) Quickly remove the victim from the hazard (provided it is safe to do so).

(2) Ensure that the patient's breathing is maintained. If the victim isn't breathing, begin artificial respiration immediately. If the heart beat is found to be absent, begin resuscitation. For both these processes, the services of a trained person are quite helpful.

(3) Control serious bleeding to prevent heavy blood loss.

(4) Treat for shock.

(5) Treat bums and deal with localized injuries (such as cuts or foreign bodies in the eye).

(6) Reassure the casualty and help lessen the anxiety.

(7) Do not allow people to crowd around as fresh air is essential. Get them to telephone for an ambulance, summon the fire brigade, or other services which may be required. They can also help to care for the victim until doctor arrives; or they can help to deal with the cause of the injury, i.e. with the spilled chemicals, broken glassware, etc. or fire (provided it is only a small one).

(8) Where necessary, your last action with any casualty is either

a) to hand him/her over to a doctor or

b) to transfer hider to a hospital.

Some of the terms used in this procedure are discussed in a detailed way later in this unit. In all serious accidents, witnesses should be obtained, if possible, before searching for personal belongings of the victim.

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Science: sequence of actions the precise sequence of
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