
Sequence analysis example

Its about figh club 1999 i have the essay and i have all the staff you need to uesd in the essay also its about 1400 word not more pleas or less.

- This Sequence Analysis example is approximately 1,460 words, not taking into  account  in-text  citations. Yours  must  be minimum 1,400  words/maximum 10% above. The guidelines state you must choose a three – five minute  sequence,  so  you  begin  by  analysing  three  to  five  minutes,  but  if this amount of time leads you to write more than 1,540 words (not taking into account in-text citations), then you analyse less time – word count is paramount.

- 1.5  spacing/11 font =  4 pages,  and  this  DOES  NOT  include  the  Plot Segmentation (you MUST submit a Plot Segmentation – it is NOT part of the word count) or the Reference List. Spacing can be 1.5 or double; font 11 or 12.

- You  follow  the  format of  this  sample, but you  consider  the  theory  that corresponds with YOUR analysis, NOT necessarily the theory I have used here.  You  DO  NOT  define  or  explain  the  theory,  you  indicate  your understanding of it & where it is found in a textbook by an in-text citation (reference.)

If  you reference a  film  technique  &  it  is  repeated  in  the  sequence,  then you must repeat the in-text citation.

You consider mise-en-scene (setting), cinematography, editing and sound in your analysis, to show the ways in which these four elements  combine to  help  you  understand  the  meaning  of  this  three  to  five  minutes  in relation to the rest of the film.

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Reference No:- TGS01613673

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