
Semester predict perfomance on the final

How well do exams given during the semester predict perfomance on the final? One class had 3 tests during the semester. Computer output of the regression gives:

Dependent varible is final

s = 13.46, R-square = 77.7%, R-sq(adj) = 74.1%

Predictor Coeff SE(Coeff) t p-value
intercept -6.72 14.00 -0.48 0.636
test 1 0.2560 0.2274 1.13 0.274
test 2 0.3912 0.2198 1.78 0.091
test 3 0.9015 0.2086 4.32 < 0.0001

Analysis of variance

Source DF SS MS F P-value
Regression 3 11961.8 3987.3 22.02 < 0.0001
Error 19 3440.8 181.1

Total 22 15402.6

a) write the equation of the regression model

b) how much of the variation in the final exam scores is acounted for by the regression model?

c) explain in context what the coefficient of test 3 scores means

d) a student argues that clearly the first exam doesn't help to predit final performance. She suggests that this exam not be given at all. Does Test 1 have no effect on the final exam score?

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Basic Statistics: Semester predict perfomance on the final
Reference No:- TGS0745114

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