
Semester e14 module code pf008 module title computer

Semester: E14 Module Code: PF008 Module Title: Computer Literacy Programme BSc and BA (Honours) Level: Level 3 Awarding Body: University of Plymouth Module Leader Tex Dunstan Format:

Report Presentation: No Any special requirements: Your work should be presented clearly and professionally, in the various formats specified in the individual assignment tasks. Word Limit: 1,000 words (with 10% plus or minus leeway). This DOES NOT include the cover page, table of contents, references, bibliography and appendices. Deadline date for submission: Should be submitted to the portal by 12pm, Wednesday 10th December 2014. Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment

• Demonstrate an awareness of the nature of computer systems and the ways in which they assist individuals effectively to undertake their responsibilities both personally and within business contexts;

• Explain the scope of hardware and software currently in use and the technological advances taking place;

• Describe the use of computers to store and retrieve data and demonstrate the use of the World Wide Web;

• Identify the nature of business systems and legal data which are supported by computers and the development of networking and communication. Percentage of marks awarded for module:

This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section Content, accuracy, relevance, originality Relevant and accurate content, demonstrating research, as required by assessment tasks below. Emphasis will be placed on accuracy and originality; work which is clearly student's own. See Criteria Below Evidence of understanding of task requirements Well structured, clear and professional attempts to deliver what has been specified in the requirements document See Criteria Below Demonstrable knowledge of the module syllabus applied to the assignment tasks Demonstration of a clear understanding of hardware and software, relevant Microsoft applications and the deployment of ICT in a business environment See Criteria Below Assignment Background Short Hand Graphic Design is a new business that you have formed with a business partner, each with a 50% share. You need money to finance your business. Your assignment is to prepare a business case to borrow money from the bank. You will apply what you have learnt about online search, hardware, software, MS Word, Ms Excel and Ms PowerPoint to deploy ICT within a business environment. You need money for the following:

• Hardware: two different types of high-end PCs (e.g. Macs) and two different types of A3 colour printers

• Software: general-purpose and graphic design (either purchase or lease)

• Business premises: you will rent office space for two people near to where you live

• Business insurances: employer's liability and professional indemnity

• Website: register a domain name (e.g. .uk, .co.uk, .com) and arrange a business or professional web hosting package

• Company formation: the cost to start as a UK company with Companies House (e.g. use of accountant) You must now complete all the numbered tasks below: 1) Business Case:?Microsoft Word Use a web browser to research and write the business case in Microsoft Word. The following sections are required: a) Cover page b) Table of Contents c) Executive summary d) Introduction e) Findings and Analysis: discuss and analyse the graphic design business with Harvard references f)

Findings and Analysis: describe and explain the business costs you have researched with Harvard references. Show the individual and total costs. Use tables if you wish. g) Conclusion h) Appendices containing screenshots from 2) and 3) below. 2) ?Finance:?Microsoft Excel Accurate and realistic financial forecasting for your business will help the bank to trust you. Use MS Excel to complete the following tasks:

a) Four worksheets: Titled Business Case, Loans, Tax and Profit Share. Each worksheet must contain professionally formatted labels, cells, rows and columns with the company name, current date and worksheet title set out clearly.

b) Business Case: Complete workings for all start-up cost calculations. Include individual costs (hardware, software, etc.) and total cost.

c) Loans: Two different monthly loan repayment schedules for the total borrowed capital; one repayable over twenty-four months at 7.99% pa and the other repayable over thirty-six months at 6.99%.

d) Tax: The business will earn £100,000 in its first year. You can claim tax relief against purchase of computers and printers. Calculate the relief based on total equipment costs over three years: first year at 100%, second year at 50%, and third year at 25%

e) Tax: The remainder after tax relief is profit taxed at 21%. Calculate the tax liability.

f) Profit Share: With the remaining amount divide the profit between yourself and your partner 50:50 if the remainder is less than £20,000 or 70:30 in your favour if more than £20,000. 3)?Presentation:?Microsoft PowerPoint You are to meet the bank manager to present a summary of your business case and financial forecasts - i.e.

1) and 2) above. Use a few slides creatively to build your arguments and figures. Include different content elements and effects only if they support your goal to secure the financial investment. Provide the following:

a) Introductory and concluding messages

b) Summary of borrowing requirements

c) Summary of repayment profiles

d) Your chosen repayment profile with reasons for your choice. Screenshots: Provide screenshots (use Snipping Tool or Print Screen) of all work in Excel and PowerPoint. For Excel, display both formulas and functions (use Show Formulas) and the formula results. Put screenshots in two Appendices after your Bibliography, titled Appendix A: Excel and Appendix B: PowerPoint. Marking Criteria 1) Business Case:?Microsoft Word - Cover Page: Assignment title, module code, full name and student number and submission date. The cover page tool should be used.

- Table of Contents: A list of all of the sections, headings and sub-headings. Appendices and Figures should be provided. The automatic Table of Contents tool should be used with styled headings.

- Executive Summary: A clear and concise overview of the purpose of your business case.

- Introduction: Show that you have understood the brief and will cover everything

- Findings and Analysis: The main body of the business case with required sections described above.

- Conclusion: Summarise what you have covered previously, what you have learned and which learning outcomes you have achieved.

- References: All sources quoted from or reproduced in your document. The automatic citations and bibliography tool should be used to create in-text references and a list of all references in Harvard.

- Appendices: place screenshots of Excel and PowerPoint workings here.

2) ?Finance:?Microsoft Excel Five marks are available for each task in this section. Use references (relative, absolute), formulas, functions and formatting to address the requirements. At a minimum, use mathematical operators (e.g. + - * /) and the SUM, TODAY() functions. Extra credit is available for use of MIN, MAX when presenting equipment costs. Further credit is available for use of PMT for repayment of loans, IF statements for profit share and use of charts generally. Worksheets and worksheet data should be sorted and formatted professionally.

?Presentation:?Microsoft PowerPoint Requirements are set out above. Explain your business proposition and funding needs. Apply learning from PowerPoint lectures about slide design and content, styles and transition effects to produce a convincing communications strategy.

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Basic Computer Science: Semester e14 module code pf008 module title computer
Reference No:- TGS01245886

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