
Semaphore mechanism and its utilization

Question 1: Define the term Semaphore primitives and describe Semaphore mechanism with an example.

Question 2: Describe the hardware approaches for process synchronization.

Question 3: How semaphores can be used to control access to a given resource comprising of finite number of instances.

Question 4: What are the principles of concurrency and describe the execution of the concurrent process with a simple example.

Question 5: Describe different solutions for critical section problem for two processes.

Question 6: Explain readers and writer’s problem and also its solution by using semaphores.

Question 7: Write the Peterson’s algorithm for the mutual exclusion problem and describe the same.

Question 8: Write notes on:

a) Compaction.
b) External fragmentation.
c) Internal fragmentation.

Question 9: Describe the demand paged memory management in detail with an illustration.

Question 10: Describe the given allocation algorithms:

a) First fit.
b) Best fit.
c) Worst fit.

Question 11: Consider the given page reference string: 1,2,3,4,2,1,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6. How many page faults would take place for the given replacement algorithms, supposing one, two, three, four, five, six or seven frames? Initially all frames are empty, therefore the first unique pages will also cost one fault each.

a) LRU replacement.
b) FIFO replacement.
c) Optimal replacement.
d) Second chance replacement.

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Operating System: Semaphore mechanism and its utilization
Reference No:- TGS03298

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