
Sem401 materials performance and durability - select a wine

Materials Performance and Durability



There are different ways to characterize the environmental impact of a product. The MET (Materials, Energy, and Toxicity) Matrix is such a tool used in industry to analyse and evaluate a product on its environmental impacts, in terms of pollution, taking up resources, energy use, over its life time. It is a qualitative tool used to describe a products environmental profile. For this assignment,

a) Select a wine packaging product (any type of wine package currently being used in Australia and around the world) and construct a MET matrix. Use the template provided to you (in a separate excel file. A sample sheet is shown below). You must include a description of the product. Marks will be awarded for a clear demonstration of an understanding for the use of the MET matrix, a clear product description and using a variety of references resources. All information must be correctly cited.

b) Provide your thoughts on a greener solution to future wine package materials.

You need to carry out a survey of currently available wine package product information and make appropriate use of your materials knowledge. You may also need to find and use relevant materials property data and charts from the literature or from a materials property database. A report marking rubric has been attached below.


Your submission should be preceded by a short introduction, and a MET matrix containing data and analysis, a list of references that show author(s), data of publication, full title, book/journal title, volume and number, and page range. You should write your report in your own words. The assignment should be submitted to the CloudDeakin drop box before the due date. Later submissions will be marked down according to Deakin University regulations. Please note that late submission penalty will apply.

Attachment:- Matrix Online Template.rar

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Dissertation: Sem401 materials performance and durability - select a wine
Reference No:- TGS02230077

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