Please take a few minutes to take the following self-assessment. Read the instructions and rate yourself on each of the ten statements, based on the scale provided. Please answer honestly so that you can understand what your strengths and weaknesses are.
Post your assessment and discussion under the Assignment 1tab.
There are no right or wrong answers to this assessment; however, you will be graded on the discussion you post. Length and content are important.
Note: Each assignment counts 6% of your grade. You will have a total of 5 assignments worth 30% of your total grade. Points will be taken off if assignments are not turned in by the due date.
Please note: What I am looking for is for you to provide a discussion about your answers. Please do not just answer the questions.
All discussions should be submitted with your assignment - Do NOT post your discussion separately under the discussion tab.
21st Century Manager
Rate yourself on the following personal characteristics. Use this scale.
S = Strong, I am very confident with this one.
G = Good, but I still have room to grow.
W = Weak, I really need work on this one.
U = Unsure, I just don't know.
1. Resistance to stress: The ability to get work done even under stressful conditions.
2. Tolerance for uncertainty: The ability to get work done even under ambiguous and uncertain conditions.
3. Social objectivity: The ability to act free of racial, ethnic, gender, and other prejudices or biases.
4. Inner work standards: The ability to personally set and work to high performance standards.
5. Stamina: The ability to sustain long work hours.
6. Adaptability: The ability to be flexible and adapt to changes.
7. Self-confidence: The ability to be consistently decisive and display one's personal presence.
8. Self-objectivity: The ability to evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses, and understand one's motives and skills relative to a job.
9. Introspection: The ability to learn from experience, awareness, and self-study.
10. Entrepreneurism: The ability to address problems and take advantage of opportunities for constructive change.
This assessment offers a self-described profile of your management foundations (PMF). Are you a perfect 10, or is your PMF score something less than that? There shouldn't be too many 10s around. Ask someone who knows you to assess you on this instrument. You might be surprised at the differences between your PMF score as you described it and your PMF score as described by someone else. Most of us, realistically speaking, must work hard to grow and continually develop in these and related management foundations. This list is a good starting point as you consider where and how to further pursue the development of your managerial skills and competencies. The items on the list are recommended by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) as skills and personal characteristics that should be nurtured in college and university students of business administration. Their success ¾ and yours ¾ as 21st-century managers may well rest on (1) an initial awareness of the importance of these basic management foundations, and (2) a willingness to continually strive to strengthen them throughout the work career.