
Self-care advice within traditional acupuncture consultation


Observational research often provides the foundation for further exploration of a topic. It is frequently used when conducting a preliminary research study to better describe a problem. Many researchers conduct observational studies that then lead to more in depth and larger experimental projects. It is an important form of qualitative research and has a significant place in public health research. For this Discussion, Library database/EBSCOhost or the Internet and locate an article using the keyword search terms of observational research or qualitative research that has used observational design as a methodology to conduct public health research. Carefully read the article examining the strengths of the study.

Question 1. Post a summary of the article, outlining the design and implementation of the study.

Question 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?

Question 3. Why do you think the researchers chose to use an observational methodology for the research study? Support your response

(THE ARTICLE IS Lifestyle and Self-Care Advice Within Traditional Acupuncture Consultations: A Qualitative Observational Study Nested in a Co-Operative Inquiry. By Maggie Evan et al THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 17, Number 6, 2011, pp. 519"52 )

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Other Subject: Self-care advice within traditional acupuncture consultation
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