
Self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses



Create a paper addressing all of the following items:

1. Your educational background and academic experiences

a. Write about your educational background and academic experiences. What were some memorable experiences (either positive or negative) that impacted your self-esteem as a student? What kinds ofgrades did you earn overall? What were your favorite classes in high school? What classes do you thinkyou would like to take in college ? Provide details so that your instructor gains a sense of your abilitiesand attitudes towards schoolwork.

2. Why you chose to attend Grantham University

a. Describe how you first heard about Grantham University. What were the factors that helped you decide to attend Grantham? What is your chosen program of study? What has influenced your decisionregarding this program of study? Are you definitely sure that you want to graduate, or are you just"testing the waters"?  Pr ov ide deta ils so that your instructor gains a sense of how serious you are aboutyour college journey.

3. Self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses

a. As we discussed in the weekly lecture, a SWOT is a tool that helps businesses and individuals assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. For this assignment, you will focus on Strengthsand Weaknesses.

b. To generate your list of Strengths, use the feedback you received in the discussion forum this week(along with your own beliefs) to identify at least three strengths you will re ly o n the most as you pursueyour degree. Write a paragraph of at least 250 words to convey your strengths.

c. To generate your list of Weaknesses, again use this week's discussion forum feedback along with yourown beliefs to identify at least three areas that may need some dev elopmen t as your pursue yourdegree. Write a paragraph of at least 250 words to convey your weaknesses.

4. SMART goal-setting

a. After examining your strengths and your weaknesses, write three goals aimed at helping develop yourareas of weakness. Remember to incorporate the SMART criteria (refer to this week's content thatdescribes SMART goals - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive) when you writeyour goals. After each   g oal,  explain why the goal is important to you and what actions you will take toaccomplish your goals.

b. The first goal should be immediate - one that you wish to begin working on immediately.

c. The second goal is one that is short term - you plan on developing over the next 6 months to a year.

d. The final goal is a long-term goal. This one can take several years to achieve.

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Management Information Sys: Self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses
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