Discuss the following within a word limit of 500 words:
Self- Assessment: Coaching Competencies
“Self-Assessment Your Foundation for Learning to Coach” . For each bullet point, rate yourself a “5” if you see your performance as very strong and, using a graduated scale, as a “1” if you see yourself needing significant developmental work in this area. Calculate your cumulative scores for each of the following six coaching competencies:
1. Demonstrates self-awareness
2. Promotes learning among team members3.
3. Is an effective communicator
4. Is accessible
5. Demonstrates effective listening
6. Creates a trusting environment
Coaching Strengths:
Based on this self-assessment of these six coaching competencies, identify those that you rated as your greatest strengths. Apply the "use of self" to your role as a coach. Discuss how you can leverage these strengths as you apply the“use of self” as a leadership coach. How would these strengths help the people you coach to achieve the purpose and goals of the coaching process? Areas for Development: In your self-reflection, also include your goals for growth and development as a coach. Specifically, identify the coaching competencies that you did not rate as strengths in the self-assessment. Discuss how you would like to develop in those areas.