Discuss the following:
Self As Instrument: The Power of Awareness
You have had an opportunity to reflect on your leadership journey so far. Please note any important discoveries about yourself you would like to remember later in the course as your create your plan. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
Reflect on the various aspects of your own leadership style. During this process, you will naturally uncover your strengths, areas of development, and topics you would like to explore further.
Your Personal Leadership Development Plan will be the one document in which you record your thoughts and ideas. This final project will include three sections, titled:
Section I: Who am I?
Section II: What Moves Me?
Section III: What is Next?
You will use the Personal Leadership Development Plan Template for this course project, which can be found using the next attachment.
You will turn in the same template in each unit by adding new information for that unit’s course project assignment, and making sure to add any updates to the previous unit’s submissions based on instructor feedback/recommendations.
Section I: Who am I?
You had an opportunity to reflect on your leadership journey so far. Please note any important discoveries about yourself you would like to remember later in the course to include in your final project/Personal Leadership Development Plan.
Personal Leadership Development Plan
Throughout this course you will reflect on the various aspects of your own leadership style. During this process, you will naturally uncover your strengths, areas of development, and topics you would like to explore further.
Your Personal Leadership Development Plan will be the one document in which you record your thoughts and ideas. In each unit, you will have an opportunity to record information you have learned.
Complete each section of this document as you progress through the course. None of the sections are meant to stand alone, so with each entry, review and reflect on your previous writing. Submit the entire document each unit as required, and make changes as required by your instructor.
You are encouraged to transfer work from other assignments to your plan. However, your Personal Leadership Development Plan Project should contain 1,500-2,000 words that are new contribution. The use of APA format for in-text citations and a reference listing in all assignments is required if you use quotes or paraphrases of content from your textbook or other source.
Section I: Who Am I?
Self As Instrument: The Power of Awareness
You have had an opportunity to reflect on your leadership journey so far. Please note any important discoveries about yourself you would like to remember later in the course as your create your plan. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
II: Potential Pitfalls: What Can We Learn from Leaders Before Us?
You have considered what pitfalls you personally are most susceptible to. Please include any notes about potential pitfalls here if you believe they may help you as you complete your Personal Leadership Development Plan. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
III: Self-Awareness: Knowing What You do Not Know
You have had the opportunity to consider your core values. Record them here for your reference when you write your Personal Leadership Development Plan. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
Section II: What Moves Me?
IV: The Roots of Motivation
Complete Exercise 6.1: Your Extrinsic Motivations and Exercise 6.2 Your Intrinsic Motivations in The Discover Your True North
Fieldbook: A Personal Guide to Becoming an Authentic Leader, and record your responses here. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
Table : Your Extrinsic Motivations
Table: Your Intrinsic Motivations
V: Finding and Refining Your Sense of Purpose
Complete Exercise 10.3: Living Your Purpose in The Discovering Your True North Fieldbook: A Personal Guide to Becoming an Authentic Leader, and record your responses below. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
When in the past have you been operating from your leadership purpose?
Where in your life today are you operating from your leadership purpose?
List some examples of situations in the future that would enable you to fulfill the purpose of your leadership.
What are you going to change today so that tomorrow you are better aligned with your purpose?
III: What is Next?
Empowering Others
Complete Exercise 11.5: Sharing Your Story in The Discovering Your True North Fieldbook: A Personal Guide to Becoming an Authentic Leader, and record your responses here. Once you complete this exercise, write a summary of your leadership story here. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
Leadership Style Inventory
Complete Exercise: Leadership Style Inventory in The Discover Your True North Fieldbook: A Personal Guide to Becoming an Authentic Leader, and record your responses here. Once you complete this exercise, submit this document for grading.
*Use Discover Your True North: Expanded and Updated Edition as a reference as needed.
Reflecting on Your Personal Leadership Development
Review the content you have contributed throughout this course, and determine three measurable next steps for your personal leadership development. For each step, answer the following questions:
1. What will I do by when?
2. Does this support my values and purpose?
3. Who will support me through this development process?