
Selection from the gospel of matthew

Sermon on the Mount This selection from the Gospel of Matthew is a guide for what it is to be a Christian. Discuss two points of the text that you consider to be the most important or meaningful to the religion. One must use MLA format for the writing assignments. ALL outside sources MUST be documented in both the body of the text and the "works cited" page. In terms of the paper, missing textual documentation shall lose 20 points. Papers missing a "works cited" page shall lose 20 points. I deduct two points for each spelling or grammatical error. Please note that encyclopedia-type sources, such as wikipedia.com, sparknotes.com, any type of search engine, World Book, Encyclopedia Britannica, etc, are not allowed for this paper. I will deduct 10 points per non-academic/unapproved source. The Works Cited page must include a list of at least four academic sources. Three of the four sources must come from the Library databases.

Ineed 400 words at least.

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Humanities: Selection from the gospel of matthew
Reference No:- TGS0678426

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