
Select values for ce and cc to place the two pole

For the common-emitter amplifier of Fig. neglect ro and assume the current source to be ideal.

(a) Derive an expression for the midland gain.

(b) Convince yourself that the two poles caused by CE andCC do not interact. Find expressions for their frequencies, ωPE and ωPC.

(c) Give an expression for the amplifier voltage gain Vo(s)/Vsig(s) in terms of AM, ωPE, and ωPC.

(d) For Rsig =RC =RL = 10 kΩ , β =100, and I =1 mA, find the value of the mid band gain

(e) Select values for CE and CC to place the two pole frequencies a decade apart and to obtain a lower 3-dB frequency of 100 Hz while minimizing the total capacitance.

(f) Sketch a Bode plot for the gain magnitude, and estimate the frequency at which the gain becomes unity.


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Other Engineering: Select values for ce and cc to place the two pole
Reference No:- TGS01366463

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