Select two topics pay system reform and technology and

1. Select two topics (Pay System Reform and Technology) and discuss two positive effects and two challenges the topic poses for human resource departments in the public sector.

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2. From the e-Activities( see parentheses below), discuss the current event you reviewed from the selected federal, state, or local agency and determine the cause of the issue, noting if the cause was due to neglected public bureaucracies from elected and appointed officials. Discuss at least two results of the issue.

(Go to FedWorld Website. Select Top Government Websites. Review and selected an agency / commission from the list of Independent U.S. Federal Agencies and Commissions; review its Website, and select a current event that has occurred in the last 12 months. Be prepared to discuss.)

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Business Management: Select two topics pay system reform and technology and
Reference No:- TGS02251986

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