
Select two articles on the same subject by different


Purpose: To analyze and compare two texts on the same subject in order to discern the different approaches authors may take when presenting the same or similar information.

Task: Select two articles on the same subject by different authors from two different sources. Provide a brief summary of each article to orient the reader to the material covered. Analyze both authors' use of rhetoric in order to compare the appeal, persuasiveness, and overall credibility of each piece.

Note: Avoid including your own opinion on the articles' subject matter. Your role is to assess the way the pieces are written, not to weigh in on the topic itself.

Tips for article selection:

-Pick only articles that are intended to inform/persuade based on facts (even if they do so poorly). Reviews, personal essays, etc. which rely only on personal opinion or experience will not work well for this assignment.

-Pick articles between three and ten pages in length to make sure there is enough content to write about, but not so much as to be overwhelming.

-Articles may come from any source. But you are encouraged to use the library databases as a starting point, particularly Opposing Viewpoints.


• Adherence to MLA formatting with a Works Cited page
• Length: 4-5 pages.

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Other Subject: Select two articles on the same subject by different
Reference No:- TGS02489999

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