The Importance of Neuroscience in Education
In order to effectively differentiate, a teacher must be familiar with how the brain prefers to receive and process information and realize that each student's brain is uniquely organized. Research suggests that a teacher's knowledge of brain function is instrumental in planning differentiated instruction.
After reading Chapter 1 of our text, please:
• Examine the seven basic principles of how we learn starting on page 13 of our text.
• Select three of these principles and describe how you might specifically incorporate them into your classroom instruction.
• Examine how these approaches will support student learning needs based on brain research.
Be sure to use the text to support your response.
1. Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
a. Chapter 1: The Non-negotiable of Effective Differentiation
a. Chapter 2: Mindset, Learning Environment, and Differentiation.