
Select the three causes or problems that motivate you the

Design your personal business model

Using busines model canvas

My business is to provide automobile parts in west africa countries with high volume of us brands (cars)

More than 60% percento of population use us automobile brands without an eficient service of auto parts supply

Althoug the country is full of us automobile brands, mayority of the population depends on local services. Waiting time range aproximately from 2 to 5 months (sometime a year for wrong part to return and reorder).

Objective : I want to create an active, efficient, safe, auto parts business (m.e.t u.s.a import auto parts express) capable of satisfying the punctual needs of customers. With the new auto parts express service, we will use air cargo instead of maritime ( dhl, air cargo, online express order etc) we will use to satisfy customer nedd on time.

1) Use your potential experience and describe the discovery process of your vital purpose to make a word document in 10 pages

(We want to know how far you have come to discover your purpose. Tell us your interests what problems or needs you prefer and you are interested in solving and why)

You must include the following aspects:

1.1) Describes in detail the four master experiences that relate to the theme "DISCOVER YOUR TALENT"

1.2) Write a list of your 10 best skills and abilities that you recognize in your MASTER EXPERIENCES. value each list competence from 1 to 3: good (3), normal (2) not too much (1)

1.3) Write a list of:

a) ten causes or problems that you would like to solve and in which you would like to investigate in depth. What causes motivate you?
What do you want to solve and why do you want to do it?

b) What ten subjects (areas of interest) do not you get tired of learning?

c) What ten activities do you love so much that you would be willing to do it for ten hours a day without getting tired?

1.4.- Select the three causes or problems that motivate you the most. Write a list with at least three possible solutions for each of the
causes. What activities are necessary to create that solution?

Of all the activities that are necessary to solve your three chosen causes which are closest to your preferred activities, which are the most necessary to solve the problem within your areas of interest.

1.5.- Describe at least three alternatives to your life purpose, defining what kind of help you want to offer, for whom and with what specific
actions you will offer.

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Marketing Research: Select the three causes or problems that motivate you the
Reference No:- TGS02507474

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