1. Select the correct statement.
a) The temperature is 10°K.
b) The temperature is 283°C.
c) The temperature is 10 kelvins.
d) The temperature is 283 Celsius.
2. Write each of the following in a correct form without using any exponents:
a) 12300 Nmkg-1k-1
b) 109.433 Cs m-1 K-1
c) 0.000433 Ws na-3 K-1
3. Write each of the following in a correct form without using any negative exponents:
a) 0.004562 kNm m-3 K-1
b) 10-5 MNs-1 m-3K-1
c) 0.000473001 mJs-1 m-3 kg-1
4. Write each of the following in an acceptable form:
a) 324 Idikg/Khen/s/m
b) 43.098 Pa kg/K/m/s/s
c) 100 C/kg/K/m/s