Select the best answer for each of the multiple choice questions below about the Structure Chart shown here.

How many times does the top module call each subordinate module?
Three times
The Set Up Claimant Record and Calculate Claim Amount and Provide Claim Summary Modules once and the Update Account Module many times until the Last Claim Flag is returned C. As many times as it takes to process all the claims (Until Last Claim Flag is Returned)
Which module actually contains the logic to call the Update Account Module?
Set Up Claimant Record
Calculate Claim Amount and Provide Claim Summary
Process Medical Claims
In what order does the executive module call the subordinate modules?
Update Account, Set Up Claimant Record, Calculate Claim Amount and Provide Claim Summary
Set Up Claimant Record, Update Account, Calculate Claim Amount and Provide Claim Summary
Set Up Claimant Record, Calculate Claim Amount and Provide Claim Summary, Update Account
Calculate Claim Amount and Provide Claim Summary, Update Account, Set Up Claimant Record
What tool would not be useful in preparing a Module Specification for a programmer to code the Update Account Module
Structured English
Flow Chart
Data Flow Diagram