
Select ten credible sources for your paper topic up to five

Bibliography : Woman typing on a computer keyboard

In this activity you will be gathering research about ethical theories to support your final research paper topic. You will summarize and evaluate your research by compiling a bibliography of sources you plan to use for your paper.

For this assignment, you will gather research from at least ten credible sources that will support your final paper topic and provide a theoretical framework for ethical communication. Your instructor has provided a course bibliography of many books that either focus on ethics and ethical communication or contain information about communicating ethically in interpersonal, organizational, public or media settings.

You may choose to select up to five books from this course list as sources for your paper; however, you must locate at least five additional resources from scholarly articles, professional publications, credible websites, or newspapers to support your research topic. Wikipedia and personal blogs are not considered credible sources. Please refer to the library tip sheet on how to perform research for your topic.

After you have located your ten credible sources, you should write a 50-word summary and evaluation for each, identifying the points you want to include in your final paper as well as stating how the source is relevant to the final assignment. Summarize in your own words, but do not quote directly from the sources unless you are using a definition. This activity aligns with module outcome 3.

Writing Requirements

Select ten credible sources for your paper topic. Up to five books may be selected from the course bibliography, but at least two must be from outside sources.

Write a 50-word summary for each of the ten sources.

Prepare a title page listing your research topic and your name.

Organize your bibliography in alphabetical order according to the title of the primary author's last name. If the author is not identified, then alphabetize the source according to the title of the article or website.

Below each source in your bibliography, insert your 50 word summary and evaluation for that source.

Only definitions may be quoted. All other information must be in your own words.

The completed bibliography should be a minimum total of 500 words.

Content Requirements

The bibliography should include sources that provide information about an ethical theory or theories that will support your paper topic.

The bibliography should include sources that support a focused topic in ethical communication rather than a general discussion of ethics.

At least 2 sources discussed in the paper must be outside sources rather that those already identified within the course materials provided.

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Dissertation: Select ten credible sources for your paper topic up to five
Reference No:- TGS02855447

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