
Select relevant key concepts from a theory and explain how

This assessment requires:

1. Select a topic:

Topic "Change the date" Challenging colonisation and nationalism. (*Its about Australia Day)

2. Select relevant key concepts from a theory and explain how they help you develop a personal position in relation to your chosen topic;

Go with post-colonialism Theory

3. Use scholarly resources to both develop and support your argument and explain the relevance of the theoretical concepts relevant to the personal position you have taken.

The Scoping paper will comprise following elements:

STATEMENT OF TOPIC & THEORY: Clearly state your chosen topic and the relevant concepts from the theory you have chosen. When writing this statement, think carefully about which key concepts or aspects of the theory you have chosen to help you develop your discussion and argument.

DISCUSSION OF THEORETICAL CONCEPTS RELEVANT TO THE TOPIC: Identify at least 4 scholarly resources ( two references selected on theory selected, ad two references selected on topic selected) relevant to the theoretical concepts you have you have chosen and discuss how they help you develop your argument or position in relation to the topic you have selected.

Intro and Rational: 300 words

Annotated bibliography: 1200 words

Harvard Style

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Dissertation: Select relevant key concepts from a theory and explain how
Reference No:- TGS02769126

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