For this paper, you will consider the causes and contributing factors of mortality and morbidity for your state.
Begin by reviewing various Resources to understand the leading causes of death and disease across the nation.
Then, research your state's information on the following Web sites:
CDC National Center for Health Statistics
Trust for America's Health
1. Select one specific health problem that is prevalent in your state, and research the lifestyle, genetic, and environmental risk factors associated with it. Visit the Web site for your state's health department to learn about efforts to address this disease.
With this in mind, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you:
2. Describe the leading causes of death and disease in the U.S. health care system, noting how your state's information compares to national data
3. Identify the lifestyle, genetic, and environmental risk factors associated with one specific health problem that is prevalent in your state
4. Describe efforts to address this health problem in your state
5. Explain how this analysis informs your understanding of disease and its impact on health care delivery within your state and within the U.S. health care delivery system
Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines.