
Select one of the virtues listed on pages 20-25 of the

Question: Eric Rovie posted Mar 4, 2018 12:03 PMThis thread is pinnedSubscribePrevious Next This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll.Adjust automatic marking as read setting

Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling on this week's discussion:

1. Charles Barkley famously said "I'm not a role model." Given what we learned in this module on virtue ethics, do you think that it is fair for a major sports star to say that? Why or why not?

2. Select ONE of the virtues listed on pages 20-25 of the module. Explain why it is a virtue, according to Aristotle, and what the corresponding vices are. Then, explain how you might OBTAIN this virtue and raise any challenges you to its place on the list of virtues.

3. Explain the three conditions (pages 15-19 of the Module presentation) and how they combine to make someone virtuous.

4. The Greeks believed that arête (EXCELLENCE) is to be as good as possible at many things. We tend to be the very focused and specialized, and we often specialize to the detriment of overall knowledge and ability. Who is right about how to live, and why do think so?

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Dissertation: Select one of the virtues listed on pages 20-25 of the
Reference No:- TGS02736409

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