Select one of the options entering the workforce upon

Select one of the options: entering the workforce upon graduation or attending graduate school. Identify at least five benefits and at least five risks associated your chosen option. For example, if you choose to enter the workforce immediately upon graduation, identify the benefits and risks of doing so. Cite at least two sources of this information.

Design a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation illustrating the risks and benefits. Include at least one graph, chart, or table to add to the presentation's visual appeal.

If you have chosen to enter the workforce, imagine you are designing the presentation for a job fair at which you are a recruiter trying to convince new graduates of undergraduate programs to work for your organization.

If you have chosen to enter graduate school, imagine you are designing the presentation for a professional conference where you hope to recruit undergraduate seniors to apply to your graduate program.

Include one slide with a speech or a persuasive narrative, in your own words, to persuade students or recent graduates to make one choice (join the workforce or enter graduate school).

Include at least one slide addressing recent trends in the job market and analyzing whether this is an optimal time to enter the workforce or to continue your studies in graduate school.

Include at least one slide addressing the pitfalls recent graduates from bachelor's degree programs face and how best to avoid those challenges. One pitfall must be related to the financial risk of or the debt incurred as a result of making each choice (joining the workforce and continuing school).

Support your statements with information from academic sources, one of which can be your textbook. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference list on the final slides of the presentation.

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Other Subject: Select one of the options entering the workforce upon
Reference No:- TGS01161593

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Anonymous user

4/27/2016 7:35:25 AM

Ensure to follow all the instructions and guidance illustrated; respond according to all requisites in a word paper encompassing the APA rule. 1) Choose one of the options: entering the workforce on graduation or attending graduate school. Recognize at a minimum of 5 advantages and at least 5 risks related your selected option. Cite at a minimum of two sources of this information. 2) Design a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation describing the risks and advantages. Comprise at least one graph, table, chart or to add the presentation's visual appeal. 3) If you have selected to enter the workforce, assume you are designing the presentation for a job fair at which you are a recruiter trying to persuade latest graduates of undergraduate programs to work for your association. 4) If you have selected to enter graduate school, assume that you are designing the presentation for a professional conference in which you hope to hire undergraduate seniors to pertain to your graduate program.