Select one of the leadership theories to demonstrate how

You have been assigned to lead an existing team. Performance has been low and the previous leader was controlling. The CEO wants you to bring the team up to satisfactory performance levels within 6 months. Select one of the leadership theories to demonstrate how you would lead this team.

Fiedler's contingency model

Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model

House's path-goal leadership theory

Leader-member exchange theory

Leader-participation model

Develop a 15- to 20-slide Powerpoint presentation outlining the following:

The leadership theory selected

The level of control situation

The type of leadership style

Situational attributes

Desired outcomes

Format your project consistent with APA guidelines and using a minimum of 2 references. An intro slide, a conclusion slide and a references page slide are required per APA. References must be professional journal articles or mainstream periodicals for credit.

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HR Management: Select one of the leadership theories to demonstrate how
Reference No:- TGS01695574

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