
Select one monster and write about it there is no right or


An exploration activity is one where you approach a topic without having done any research or without having given the idea much thought. In a sense, you write to see what you think. It is different than a thesis-driven essay, which begins with the author having and stating his or her position on the topic and using evidence to support that position. Unlike a thesis-driven essay, an exploration essay is one where you are not yet sure of your opinion, and so write about the topic in order to glean a better and more comprehensive understanding about your thoughts and opinions. In other words, you're writing yourself out of the dark.


Select one monster and write about it. There is no right or wrong way to approach this topic. Just explore your monster in writing for three pages.

Submission details

Final Submission due via turnitin on Cougar Courses 2/3 before midnight

3 full pages in length, MLA format (Word document, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, one-inch margins on all four sides, does not need a Works Cited page)

Note, use the MLA Template available under "Resources for Writing" on Cougar Courses to help format your paper. You do not need a Works Cited page, as you are not consulting a text or conducting any outside research.

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Other Subject: Select one monster and write about it there is no right or
Reference No:- TGS01280672

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