
Select one film that illustrates or conveys a particular

Topics: Choose one of the following:

1.) Select one film that illustrates or conveys a particular issue regarding the history of cinema. (Do not select a film that has been or will be screened in this course.) Write a "process" essay in which you discuss why and how your research contributed to your knowledge about the subject. Number of credible online secondary sources: Three (minimum).

2.) Select one movie "thriller." [Do not write about a film has been or will be screened in this course.] Find three credible reviews or evaluative articles regarding your selected film.[1] Write a "process" essay in which discuss why and how your research contributed to your knowledge about the film. (Do not neglect writing about the film itself in your essay.) Sources: Make sure that you use two credible movie reviews. Your third article should be a scholarly source.

Length of Research Essay: 4-5 pages (1,000-1,250 words - not including the title page and the works-cited list). (Avoid "text recycling." A paper--submitted for another course--will not receive credit.)

Format of the Research Essay: Double space. Include a title page (with a title!). Do not forget to include a works-cited list. Required method of documentation: MLA 2016.

Your research essay should follow the accompanying guidelines.

Use the "Search" function at cinematreasures.org to find information about closed or demolished movie theaters in your area.

Select your home state. Then select a city or town. Write an essay in which you discuss what you discovered about one movie theater that used to operate near or where you reside (or have resided).

Your response should include answers to the following:

• What was the name of the movie theater?

• Where was it located?

• When was it built?

• When was it demolished or converted into another type of venue?

• What did you learn about the movie theater's operation?

• As someone who is interested in the history of movies, what are your thoughts about the selected venue?


Submit, via Canvas, as a Word document.

Suggested length: 300-350 words (minimum range).

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Dissertation: Select one film that illustrates or conveys a particular
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