
Select of the four views examined by hursthouse of the

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will

- be able to demonstrate a grasp of basic philosophical techniques of analysis and argument

- be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of central ethical theories

- be able to apply their skills of analysis and argument and their understanding of theories to the clarification and resolution of the particular practical moral problems/issues addressed in the Syllabus.

Assessment item 1


Select of the four views, examined by Hursthouse, of the moral status of the human foetus, and one of the most important for or against view. critically examine one arguments that

Further explanation of this task:

You can select any one of the four views. It may be the view you think most correct; it may be the view you think least correct; it may be something in between. You need to identify what you take to be one of the most important arguments either for or against that view. (It might, for instance, be an argument which is than arguments for the other views. It might be an argument which shows better why this view is . It might be a plausible and commonly held argument, which is why it unacceptable is important, but one that turns out to be a argument. And there are other possibilities.) You bad should briefly say something to explain you're concentrating upon argument. Then - and this why that will be the meat of your essay - you should the argument and then it as spell out critically evaluate clearly as possible, using your own words as much as possible. In spelling out the argument you are showing exactly what the argument ; in critically evaluating it you are showing, in detail, whether it is is . (If you wished, you could refer to other arguments that you would like also to discuss, good or bad and say why, but you may need to explain that your word limit prevents you from doing this.)

I will expect you to show that you have mastered the relevant materials in the Readings and Study Guide. You may have further thoughts of your own to add to what's in those materials - which would be very good! But it won't matter if you don't have your own different thoughts, so long as I can see that you have mastered the discussion in the study materials and that you are thinking critically about it yourself.

900 words is a word limit. That is to say, if you have done the relevant work then it will be difficult very difficult to say within 900 words all that you wish to say. You will need to give yourself enough time to get what you want to say under such control that it can be said within 900 words. Don't waste words on flowery introductions or conclusions or what not. Get straight into your discussion as directly and clearly as you can.


The essay allows you to display your grasp of the philosophical discussion of the relevant topic. It requires you to show that you this discussion, and that you it. (Note understand can critically assess that this task is directed to the first and third of the learning outcomes for this subject - i.e. it is designed to assist you to demonstrate your grasp of those basic philosophical techniques of analysis and argument that you are learning, and to assist you to demonstrate that you can apply those skills to the clarification and resolution of the particular moral problems being considered.)

Assessment item 2



Thomson apparently believes that, at least in many cases, an abortion performed when the mother's life is not threatened by the pregnancy would What does she need to do in order to not be unjust. establish this? Does she succeed?

Further explanation of this task:

You need to provide a satisfactory discussion of the answers to those questions. In order to do this you will need to understand the whole of Thomson's article and the whole of the critical discussion of it in the Study Guide. But the question is not the whole of Thomson's case. You will need to about identify those portions of Thomson's case which are relevant to question, and then particular this critically examine portions. You will be discussing whether the in those relevant arguments Thomson's article are good or bad.

As was the case for Assessment Item 1, you will need to show that you have mastered the relevant Study Guide exercises, and you will need to take care to observe the difficult word limit.


The essay allows you to display your grasp of the philosophical discussion of the relevant topic. It requires you to show that you this discussion, and that you it. (Note understand can critically assess that this task is directed towards all three of the learning outcomes for this subject - i.e. it allows you to demonstrate that you grasp the basic philosophical techniques of analysis and argument that you are learning, that you have a basic understanding of the ethical theories being discussed, and that you can apply those skills and understanding in the discussion of the particular moral problems discussed.)

Assessment item 3


The rationale for the exam is the same as that for the assessment essays. But in addition, the exam covers the full range of topics addressed by the subject; hence preparation for the exam requires you to have a good grasp of the of the subject matter - not merely of two small sections of it. And the spread exam allows you to show that you have corrected faults that were detected in your essays, so it allows you to within the subject. (Note that this addresses benefit from the development of your own learning all three of this subject's learning outcomes: it allows you to demonstrate your grasp of the basic philosophical techniques of analysis and argument, your understanding of the central ethical theories, and your ability to apply those skills and understanding to the range of particular moral problems discussed in the subject.) Those are the important connections between the exam and your learning. But there is a further reason for the exam. In this day and age, where so much assessment material is submitted on-line, we cannot always be certain of its authenticity. The exam enables us to be sure that the work is yours.

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Dissertation: Select of the four views examined by hursthouse of the
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