
Select an industry for the harvard business school list of

Questions and Objectives:

1. Select an industry for the Harvard Business School list of industries at https://hbswk.hbs.edu/industries/ and have it approved by your professor via discussion board post.

2. Create a PowerPoint for your group presentation and apply good design techniques (COMP106 would have covered this).

3. Discuss what the industry does and THREE companies that lead in this industry. Discuss how each obtained their leadership role.

4. Discuss innovation that is happening or has happened in this industry and how it affects us as consumers and/or members of society.

5. Discuss with the class one piece of news that is happening in this industry and how it affects industry competition. This item should be different than the innovation topic above.

6. Include at least THREE sources of research on the final slide of your presentation.

7. Deliver your presentation on the due date as provided by your professor. Those away will not obtain a mark for delivery of presentation. Those ill will require a doctor's note and will present at an alternate time arranged with professor. All member should dress professionally and have a speaking part in the presentation.

8. Refer to Rubric for grading specifics.

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Marketing Management: Select an industry for the harvard business school list of
Reference No:- TGS0979577

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