In order to demonstrate competence in this unit you need to design and develop a plan that will enable improved management and monitoring of an environmental issue.
Select an idea, improvement or opportunity that would be of benefit to a team or an organisation. This must be a concept that is suited to application and could be submitted, for approval, to senior management.
Describe and define the idea/ suggestion and give clear and succinct reasons for initiating and implementing the plan.
You will need to address all of the questions:
- What is the current situation?
- What is the desired situation?
- What is your idea/ suggestion/ plan?
- How will this close the gap between the current situation and the desired situation?
- Who will your plan benefit?
- How will it benefit the various stakeholders?
- Why should the organisation support it? (Consider qualitative and quantitative benefits, costs, public relations and safety).
- What resources and what personnel would be involved in developing, implementing and monitoring the planned improvement?
- What procedures would you use to ensure that the project was sponsored and supported by the organisation?
- Whose authorisation would you need in order to go ahead with your plan?
- How will your plan contribute to environmental sustainability?
- How would you determine performance expectations?
- How will you monitor the operation of the plan?
- How will you measure its success? (What measurement processes will you use and what will you measure its success against?)
- What measures will you benchmark your plan against?
- How would you design and develop risk management and contingency plans, and cater for any health and safety issues?
- How will you ensure compliance with environmental legislation and industry codes of practice?
Format your plan/ proposal in a manner that would be accepted by management.