
Select an article relevant to your field of study from one

Select an article relevant to your field of study from one of the following professional websites. You may not use the same article you used in your Unit 2 or Unit 4 Assignment. Read the article and apply what you have learned about appropriate language and writing professional documents to complete the following Assignment:

Write a 1 to 1 and ½-page Executive Summary of the article you have chosen, organized into 3-4 paragraphs. You may write to a business audience either for the company you currently work for, or imagine that you are working as a consultant for a business or non-profit or charity organization and write to an appropriate audience within that organization. Summarize the main points of this article and explain how the information contained within the article is relevant to a specific issue or problem the company is currently facing.

Make a recommendation for what your audience should do with this information. You may use information from sources other than the original article that you use as the basis for your Executive Summary, but if you use sources in your Executive Summary, you must give the sources credit using 6th edition APA format.


Select a website from this link. preferablly health or information technology.

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Other Subject: Select an article relevant to your field of study from one
Reference No:- TGS02160924

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