
Select an area of security that interests you this is a

Select an area of security that interests you. This is a chance to explore any area of security you find of interest. Thoroughly research the matter. Please clear your selected topic with me, before proceeding.

You will additionally be providing a five-minute long review of your research to the class. Power point presentations are highly encouraged, but not required.

Utilize a minimum of three sources (books, magazines, newspapers, journals, to name a few). Papers must follow APA format and style guidelines. You can find APA format and style information at:


The content of the paper should consist of the following segments:

Title Page.

Abstract Page (An executive summary of key points of your research and conclusions).


Describe the security issue.

Identify any practical application, and any problems in implementation.


Your term paper should be no more than 10 pages, double-spaced, in length.

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Dissertation: Select an area of security that interests you this is a
Reference No:- TGS01722528

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