
Select an appropriate case study example there are several

Differential Case Diagnosis

• In this assignment, complete the following tasks:

o Select an appropriate case study example. There are several sources within the library that can provide you with the appropriate resource to complete this assignment.

Please see your instructor if you have any questions about a particular resource.

o Complete the intake assessment form from the data described in the study.

o Write a brief description of the differential diagnosis rationale, considering at least three separate diagnoses.

o Diagnose the case according to all five axis of the DSM.

• Multiaxial Case Diagnostic Exercise Template

• Case Name:

• Diagnoses Considered:

• Differential Diagnosis Rationale:

Create a three- to four-page differential diagnoses rationale and final diagnosis paper, using the criteria set forth by the DSM, in Microsoft Word document format.

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Dissertation: Select an appropriate case study example there are several
Reference No:- TGS02552344

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