
Select an accounting scandal from the listing provided in

Select an accounting scandal from the listing provided in class. Research the scandal and develop a PowerPoint presentation that communicates the following:

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC 2008. Audit firm: Friehling & Horowitz
• Background of the Company in which the scandal occurred
• Detail of the fraudulent activity that occurred
o Who was involved?
o What controls failed?
• Develop controls that would have help prevent/mitigate the occurrence of the fraudulent activity
o Based on what you've learned from the course, why would these controls work? Give your opinion
• If there are no controls that could have prevented the scandal from occurring, explain why

You will be graded based off of the manner in which you present the information (i.e. a monotone voice might put the class to sleep) and the content of your slides. The purpose of this presentation is to assist in the development of your presentation skills and to apply some of the concepts you've learned from the course. Have fun with your presentation! You will only get as much out of this as you are willing to put into it.
Please dress in business casual for your presentation. It is expected that all students will give their full effort to the project and that all presentations will be professional. You must be present for all presentations even if it's not your turn to present. Your unexcused absence will result in a zero for your presentation. Open laptops will not be permitted during the presentations.

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Accounting Basics: Select an accounting scandal from the listing provided in
Reference No:- TGS0570058

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