
Select a topic for your term paper and submit it for

Term Paper Topic

Select a topic for your term paper and submit it for instructor's approval. Due by the end of this module. See below to learn more about your term paper. Your proposal must include: 1) a one paragraph description of the topic you wish to write about with four articles correctly cited, 2) a one paragraph rationale explaining why this topic is important to you, and 3) a reference list of the articles you cited.

Term Paper

Your project is to write an 8-page (2000-word) term paper on one of the recent theoretical perspectives on human development contained within your textbook, noting the contributions of your chosen theorist. Students are expected to identify the perspective of the contemporary theory and describe current research and application to the field of lifespan development. The page/word count does not include the title page, abstract or reference page. The goal of the term paper is to analyze and synthesize the literature on a chosen lifespan developmental theorist. You are required to use American Psychological Association Style (APA) for all source citations. You are expected to select a topic for your paper and submit it for your instructor's approval by Module 2. You are expected to submit outline for your paper and submit it for your instructor to provide guidance in Module 5.

You can find most of the resources you need in the Excelsior College Virtual Library's PsycARTICLES database. Since psychology is a dynamic field, I expect most of your resources to have been published within the last ten (7) years. You should review a minimum of seven (7) empirical studies beyond the text book.

You should begin your term paper by discussing the importance of the topic. Organize your literature review around issues essential to your topic. Statements in your paper should be supported by data and information from your library research. The conclusion should be supported by the evidence from the literature that you evaluated. The paper is due by the end of Module 7 and counts as 15% of your final grade.

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Science: Select a topic for your term paper and submit it for
Reference No:- TGS0626095

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