
Select a small business in your local community


Select a small business in your local community. All of your Individual Projects in the class will be focused on this business, choose carefully. You are an account executive for a local advertising agency, and this will be your new client. You will be developing an IMC program for this business over the next five weeks.

The first step in the IMC program is to conduct a situation analysis which focuses on the internal and external factors that influence or are relevant to the development of the promotional program.

Part 1: Situation Analysis (Internal Analysis)

Research the company (in person interview, Web sources, etc.)

• Product/Service Overview - strengths, weaknesses

• Current positioning in the market

• Target Market

• Current marketing efforts (traditional, interactive, etc.), messages & effectiveness

This section of the paper should be 1 page in length and uses research from the company's Web site, local news media and interviews. An interview will not appear on the reference. The APA format for an in-text citation is: (B. Obama, personal communication, January 2, 2012).

Part 2: Competition

Research the Competition. Select at least three competitive products/companies

• Product/Service overview - Strengths/weaknesses
• Positioning in the market
• Target Market of Competitors
• Current marketing efforts (traditional interactive, etc.), messages, and effectiveness

This section of the paper should be 2 pages in length and uses research from the companies' Web sites, local news media and interviews. You may also conduct a focus group if you wish. An interview will not appear on the reference.

Part 3: Marketing Environment

Research the marketing environment and identify possible opportunities and/or threats that can affect your promotional program. Analyze why.

• Demographic
• Economic
• Technological
• Social/Cultural

Do not copy tables of data from sources. If you wish to provide data in tables, create specific ones from the data you have researched. This section of the paper should be 2 pages in length and uses research from a variety of sources including local media, Census data from American Fact Finder.

Your assignment should contain a cover page, an abstract page and a reference page in addition to the body. The body of the paper should be 5 pages in length, starting with a brief 1-paragraph introduction and ending with a short conclusion. The entire submission will be a Word document of 8-10 pages in APA format.

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Business Management: Select a small business in your local community
Reference No:- TGS01775691

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