
Select a recently delivered presentationspeech to analyze

Speech Analysis Paper

Select a recently delivered presentation/speech to analyze. Given the major election that occurred this past November, consider using a convention speech as your selection. If you are not politically minded, think about people you view as role models and see if they have delivered any presentations/speeches. Finally, TED Talks cover an array of subjects that you may find interesting.DUE Tuesday
 You must be able to view the speech-no audio recordings or manuscripts.
 The speech must be between 5-15 minutes long. If outside of this time frame, you will need my permission before proceeding.
 The speech must be recent-no older than 10 years. Again, if outside of this time frame, you will need my permission to proceed.

_____/10 Well written with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax.
_____/10 Use at least 3 sources when writing your analysis.You may use MLA or APA format.
- You must cite them (in-text citations) in the paper.
- The video/speech counts as one source, but you don't need to cite it each time. It is understood that it is the subject of your analysis.
- Your textbook may count as a second source.
- The third source should include someone else's response/analysis of the speech.
_____/05 Include a reference/works cited page for ALL sources. You may use MLA or APA format.
_____/10 The paper must be 2-3 pages in length (no more than 5).
_____/05 Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1" margins, double-spaced.
_____/20 Address the CONTENT of the speech. Be specific.
- What was the overall message or thesis?
- What were the main points?
- What supporting materials were used (stories, examples, statistics, etc.)?
- Overall, how effective was the content?
_____/20 Address the ORGANIZATION of the speech. Be specific.
- Was the speech logically developed and easy to follow?
- Which organizational pattern was used (topical, cause-effect, chronological, etc.)?
- Did this method of organization work for the topic and materials presented?
_____/20 Address the DELIVERY of the speaker. Be specific.
- Verbal: did the speaker use appropriate language; did the speaker have "uhs, ums"?
- Nonverbal: could the speaker be heard; did the speaker have a good pace; did the speaker have extemporaneous delivery; did the speaker appear confident; did the speaker use an appropriate tone; did the speaker have effective gestures and/or good posture; did the speaker make consistent eye contact?

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Other Subject: Select a recently delivered presentationspeech to analyze
Reference No:- TGS02410763

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