Select a product or service in which you have familiarity

1. Select a product or service in which you have familiarity. Then, determine how the size and composition of the marketing program might require adjustment to gain a presence on Facebook.

2. Using the same selected product, illustrate how you would position this product on Facebook along with determining its positioning effectiveness in this media.

3. Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research De Beers and its use of strategic relationships. Be prepared to discuss. Use this to do discussion below.

4.  Imagine your company is launching a new form of technology (your choice). Two countries that are targeted for international penetration are China and India. Suggest the strategic relationship you would utilize to gain entry into these two markets. Provide a rationale with your response.

5. From the e-Activity, determine the strategy behind De Beers' shift from controlling supply to building relationships. Speculate how much control over the market De Beers currently has with this strategy. Keep in mind to research operations outside of Africa as well.

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Marketing Management: Select a product or service in which you have familiarity
Reference No:- TGS0977091

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