
Select a leader to investigate please select someone who

(Bill Gates Legitimate power only please only)

Select a leader to investigate. Please select someone who you think embodies excellent leadership and about whom there is significant media or literary coverage, not your mom or dad, even though they may be wonderful leaders.

Some examples might include national political leaders, such as Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, or Rudy Giuliani; leaders in business such as Steve Jobs, Meg Whitman, Bill Gates, or Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield (ice cream company founders); or historical leaders such as Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, or Martin Luther King.

Describe and explain your chosen leader’s use of power—use references, quotes, and/or photos to demonstrate their use of power. Use PowerPoint for your presentation. Remember to use good presentation techniques, such as:

Bill Gates Legitimate only please only

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Reference No:- TGS0755736

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