
Sej103 materials engineering project - complete

Problem Task: Determine and apply basic material properties in design General information

This assessment task will require students to achieve a clear understanding of the key mechanical properties for a range of engineering materials. The skills and knowledge obtained by doing this assessment task will directly complement the first design task of the project.

- Geelong students will attend test demonstrations in laboratories and will use provided test data;
- Burwood students will have practical sessions where video demonstrations will be used to explain all required details using supplied test data; and
- Cloud students will be provided with informative video demonstrations for tests similar to those conducted in laboratories and will use supplied test data.

These tests will provide clear understanding of how basic material properties are evaluated for use in real-life engineering applications. Students will analyse their obtained data to calculate relevant stresses and strains, and will plot those results for clear understanding of how materials respond when subjected to different types of loading. Generated stress-strain plot will be used to determine key mechanical properties such as Young's modulus, design strength, ductility, toughness etc.

All relevant calculations, graphs/ diagrams and discussions must be presented in the form of a technical report as outlined below.

Description of the assessment task

Students will analyse and report experimental results obtained for various materials in a concise manner in the form of a technical report.

Following are a list of key activities involved in this assessment task -

- Recognise the significance of material testing
- Demonstrate understanding of significance of standards such as ASTM or Australian Standards used for material testing
- Identify the significance of various testing parameters such as loading rate, test environment etc., which are used to develop a testing methodology.
- Analyse the load-deformation data specified for your group to plot
(i) Complete stress-strain graph showing different characteristic zones i.e. elastic/ yielding/ plastic regions etc.

(ii) Stress-strain behaviour up to Yield stress (σy) or required Proof stress (σ0.1 or σ0.2) showing Young's modulus of Elasticity (E), elastic or proportional limit (σe or σpl).
- Use your experimental data and/or stress-strain plots to determine the following key design parameters -
(i) Young's Modulus of Elasticity (E)
(ii) Proportional Limit (σp) and Elastic limit (σe)
(iii) Yield stress (σy) or equivalent design proof stress
(iv) Ultimate Stress (σu)
(v) Fracture stress (σf)
(vi) Ductility, and
(vii) Modulus of Toughness (ut)
(viii) Plastic deformation at ultimate stress

- Analyse your obtained results to comment on the following aspects -

(i) Analyse your XX and ZZ data sets for tension, and identify 3 possible applications for each material type with appropriate engineering justification(s).
(ii) Analyse your XX - T and XX - C data sets to identify characteristic difference(s) in material's response under tension and compression.

Following table lists the experimental data sets assigned to each group for this assessment task. Students will be working in groups to analyse their results but will submit technical reports individually.




WP 1-1, WP 2-1, WP 3-1

XX1 - T, ZZ1 - T

XX1 - C

WP 1-2, WP 2-2, WP 3-2

XX2 - T, ZZ2 - T

XX2 - C

WP 1-3, WP 2-3, WP 3-3

XX3 - T, ZZ3 - T

XX3 - C

WP 1-4, WP 2-4, WP 3-4

XX4 - T, ZZ4 - T

XX4 - C

WP 1-5, WP 2-5, WP 3-5

XX5 - T, ZZ5 - T

XX5 - C

BW1-1, BW 1-2, Cloud 1, Cloud 3

XX6 - T, ZZ6 - T

XX6 - C

BW1-3, BW1-4, Cloud 4, Cloud 5

XX7 - T, ZZ7 - T

XX7 - C

BW1-5, Cloud 6, Cloud 7, Cloud 8

XX8 - T, ZZ8 - T

XX8 - C

Learning resources required for the problem task

Practical sessions and video demonstrations available in the unit site will form the basic understanding of the material testing approaches that are integral to this assessment task. Theoretical knowledge covered in classes during the first 4 weeks will be helpful in understanding the significance of the key design parameters to be obtained from the experimental data. Structured studio sessions/ Practical sessions/ Bb collaborate sessions will cover calculation techniques required for determining the specified design parameters.

Technical laboratory report - outline

The technical laboratory report should be no more than 3 pages (excluding title page).

Every student must prepare a report, which will contain brief description the scope, the significance and the outcome of the assessment task in his or her own words. The report shall include clear and concise calculations, concise written sections and neat sketches in appropriate scale, if required. Students shall submit electronically typed reports but free-hand neat sketches may be used in the reports if required.

Students must use SI units at all times. Use of appropriate tables, figures and charts is a useful tool in technical report writing, and students are encouraged to make use of those techniques in an effective manner.

Following are some guidelines on the content of the report. Students are welcome to use these guidelines as a reference but are encouraged to present in their own way.

1. Title page

On the first page of the submission, every student must include the following items:
• Unit code and unit title
• The title of the assignment with assignment number
• Student name with Student ID and Group number

2. Aim, scope and significance of material testing

In their own words, every student is required to clearly explain the aim, scope and physical significance of the assessment task.

3. Specimens and material testing standards


Report the specimen sizes used in your experiment. A neat sketch would be very useful. Highlight any special considerations adopted in producing the specimens.

Material testing standards

Briefly discuss the material testing standards adopted in obtaining your experimental results. Clearly highlight the key testing parameters such as loading rate, temperature etc. that are relevant to your task.

4. Stress-strain diagrams

Complete stress-strain diagram

Use your experimental results to produce a complete stress-strain diagram for your material and identify/ determine the key design parameters.

Stress-strain diagram up to a specified stress (yield stress or 0.2% proof stress)

Plot an enlarged stress-strain diagram up to yield stress or 0.2% proof stress for careful investigation of the initial part of the stress-strain diagram. Use this graph to calculate the relevant key design parameters.

Table for material specifications

Present all your calculated design parameters in a tabular form with and supporting or explanatory comments (if required)

5. Compare XX and ZZ materials' response in tension

Based on your analysis, identify 3 possible engineering applications for the materials tested in tension
i.e. XX and ZZ. Your specified applications must be supported by engineering justification.

You are encouraged to conduct research to propose any innovative use!

6. Compare material's response in tension and compression

Analyse your experimental data "XX - T" and "XX - C" to comment on the characteristic differences observed in material's response under tension and compression. Also, comment on the testing procedures and your observations while analysing your experimental data for tension and compression.

7. Summary

In conclusion, present a brief summary, in your own words, to highlight your understanding of material testing and basic material properties. Constructive critical thoughts about the assessment task will be highly regarded.

Attachment:- Assessment - Problem Task.rar

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Civil Engineering: Sej103 materials engineering project - complete
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