
Segmentation-readers and writers problem-peterson algorithm

Question 1: Explain any one method in which a process is allocated memory wherever it is available.

Question 2: Describe about the term segmentation.

Question 3: How memory is organized?

Question 4: What is the relationship between FIFO and clock page replacement algorithm?

Question 5: What is the basic difference between resident set management and page replacement policy?

Question 6: Describe the demand paged memory management in detail with an illustration.

Question 7: Describe about the dynamic partitioning and fixed partitioning.

Question 8: Describe the given allocation algorithms:

a) First fit.
b) Best fit.
c) Worst fit.

Question 9: Explain different solutions for critical section problem for two processes.

Question 10: Describe readers and writer’s problem and its solution by using semaphores.

Question 11: Write the Peterson’s algorithm for the mutual exclusion problem and describe for the same. 

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Operating System: Segmentation-readers and writers problem-peterson algorithm
Reference No:- TGS03309

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