
Securing internet and server access

Question 1: Network security is a main concern for every business of all sizes. Propose what you should, or should not, be doing in a networking environment.

Question 2: What do you mean by the term firewall and describe its functions in detail.

Question 3: The internet has become very helpful in many ways for the common man. Please describe this statement with live illustrations.

Question 4: What is the requirement of web services? Describe the SOAP and REST style web services.

Question 5: Risk management based on: risk assessment, risk treatment, risk acceptance, risk communication, risk monitoring and risk review. Risk assessment in turn based on risk analysis and risk evaluation. Risk analysis based on risk estimation. Lastly, risk evaluation based on risk estimation and Risk criteria. Describe this interdependency in detail.

Question 6: Cyber space is composed of different kinds of vulnerabilities and attackers of different types pose threats which exploit such vulnerabilities and raise the risk to the cyberspace. Describe this statement in detail.

Question 7: What is the significance of W3C certification and how it can be completed?

Question 8: Describe Mail servers and what are its uses and benefits?

Question 9: Write the full form of the given terms:

b) SPF
d) BHO
e) VFS

Question 10: What can you do to protect yourself from the spoofing theft?

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Computer Network Security: Securing internet and server access
Reference No:- TGS02608

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