
Securing a network consists of much more than just


Answer each question in one to two paragraphs.

Question 1: Layered Network Defense

Network security has become a complicated topic due to the many types of threats to network information and systems. To defend against these threats, a layered network defense strategy must be utilized. What are the major components of a layered network defense model and what role does each of the layers play in the overall defense of the network against security threats?

Question 2: Risk Analysis

Properly securing a network is like building security around your home. You can invest a lot of money is security systems that defend against threats that do not exist in your neighborhood. The first step in developing good security is to understand what threats exist. What are the major security threats that exist for a typical company and how might they determine which threats present the most risk for them and their situation?

Question 3: Security Policy

Securing a network consists of much more than just installing the appropriate hardware and software. A company must have a good set of policies in place to help make the decisions necessary to properly implement their network security. Discuss the major components of a good security policy.

Question 4: Goals of Network Security

One size does not fit all with regards to network security. A company or organization must understand what they are trying to accomplish with their network security. These goals will help drive the decisions necessary to implement a good security system. List some examples of goals a company or organization might set for their security system and discuss what types of security they might use to achieve these goals.

Question 5: Intrusion Detection

Networks often contain valuable information and are the target of threats to acquire the information or damage the information. Intruders pose a significant threat to networks and the first step in thwarting intrusion is to understand when and how it is occurring. What are some of the ways intruders can be detected in a network and what can be done to reduce this network threat?

Question 6: Digital Signatures

One of the most difficult aspects of network security is identification. If all people and devices connected to the network could be identified during every network transmission, security would be greatly improved. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. Digital signatures help in identification of network transmissions. Discuss how digital signatures work and what aspects of network security they enhance.

Question 7: Access Control Lists

A common method of gaining improved network security is to create a list of authorized users for all network resources. These lists are called Access Control Lists or ACLs. ACLs are like airline reservations. You arrive at the gate and if you have a boarding pass, you can get on the plane. Without a boarding pass, you are left at the gate and the plane is off limits. Discuss how Access Control Lists work and the role they play in network security.

Question 8: Authentication and Authorization

The terms authentication and authorization are often confused. Authentication relates to determining who the user is and authorization relates to what resources a user can access. Discuss the definition of each of these terms with respect to network security. Also discuss the role each of these concepts plays in network security.

Question 9: Internet Security

The expansion of the Internet has created a significant number of new network threats. While businesses combat Internet security threats, employees continue to expand their use of the Internet. What limitations should be placed on the use of the Internet at work to reduce security threats while still allowing employees to reap the benefits provided by Internet access?

Question 10: Web Security

The Web has become a major part of company and organization network traffic. Virtually all businesses and organizations have a Web presence, and most businesses have some type of Web applications running to allow customers and employees to interact with the company network in some fashion. Discuss the security issues related to Web exposure for a company.

Question 11: Security Models

Protection of a company network can be a complicated endeavor. A good model helps in the design of these network security systems just like a good model helps in the design of any system. What are the major components of a good security model and how do these components fit into the overall security of the network?

Question 12: Firewalls

If you can build a big and strong enough wall around your house, you should be safe from outside attacks. In order to communicate with the outside world, you have to allow mail to be delivered and you probably want to talk to people outside of your house by telephone. Each bit of communication you allow puts you at increased risk. Firewalls are for the perimeter protection of a company network in much the same way as a wall around your house is for your personal protection. Discuss the basics of how firewalls work and the role they play in network security.

Question 13: Wireless Networking

Wireless computing has become a significant part of business networking due to the rapid expansion of the use of mobile devices in business environments. Security risks have increased as a result. What steps should a business take to ensure productive support of wireless communications while maintaining strong security?

Question 14: Remote Access Security

An increasing number of people work from home or while travelling, and often need access to their company network. This type of remote access can create significant security issues. Discuss how these security risks can be minimized while still allowing the type of remote access needed.

Question 15: Cryptology

Regardless of how well data transmissions are protected, there are still ways intruders can intercept the data and try to make use of it for their own purposes. Cryptology adds another level of defense against those by transforming the communications into a format only decipherable by the people or systems with the right information. Discuss the basics of how cryptology works and how it can most effectively be used in network security.

Question 16: Secure Data Transmission

If we had no need to transmit data from one user or device to another, we would greatly reduce security problems. Data transmission, and lots of it, is required to operate a business, so the best approach is to make those transmissions secure. Discuss the meaning of secure data transmission and the major issues that must be addressed to achieve secure data transmissions in a network.

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Computer Network Security: Securing a network consists of much more than just
Reference No:- TGS02608274

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