
Securing a domain name


Juan reached the end of his online course program. His family was so proud of him. Juan's wife wanted to throw a party to celebrate Juan's online graduation together with all of his family, and began planning the special event.

As for invitations, Juan suggested that she hold off on that. "I have a couple ideas on my own," he said. "Something to make a really big splash!"

Juan registered for his own domain name, www.juangraduatesfromcollege.com. Once in possession of the domain, Juan approached a local Internet service provider (ISP) to host the domain for 12 months. Working late nights and weekends, Juan developed his own website and published his story on what it was like to attend an online college. Juan thanked his friends and family on the website. He used cascading style sheets (CSSs) so that it was easy to use and update. And when he was ready to invite everyone, he sent out an e-mail message with a link to his website describing the date and time of the party.

When the time for the party came, everybody was astounded that Juan created and deployed his own website. "That is just the kind of skill set we wanted," Sarah Whitecastle said while attending the party. "Juan, we need this kind of understanding so we can move forward in our business model. I can already tell that this was a great program for you but will also benefit our firm substantially. Congratulations...and have you thought about a master's degree?"

Juan just smiled and accepted the praise and attention of his family, promising his boss that he would think about it another day.

Research how to secure a domain name and find a host for a website. Discuss website design basics; characteristics of well-designed websites; the structure of a website; and the Web accessibility issues.

Your answer must be in 1 to 2 pages typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Basic Computer Science: Securing a domain name
Reference No:- TGS01927263

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