
Sector believes his co-worker kristen is using illegal

Sector believes his co-worker, Kristen, is using illegal drugs. Since both he and Kristen are surgeons, Hector is concerned that Kristen's drug usage could result in injury to a patient. He tells the head surgeon, Franklin. Franklin immediately cancels Kristen's surgeries for the day and meets with Kristen about the alleged drug usage. Kristen produces a bottle of prescription medicine she is required to take for hyperthyroid. The medication does not affect her ability to do her work. When Kristen learns it was Hector who reported her, Kristen claims that Hector committed an act of defamation when Hector told Franklin she used illegal drugs. Is Kristen right?

Franklin immediately cancels Kristen's surgeries for the day and meets with Kristen about the alleged drug usage. Kristen produces a bottle of prescription medicine she is required to take for hyperthyroid. The medication does not affect her ability to do her work.

Was Hector's statement a statement of fact? 
SelectYesNoItem 15

Was Kristen's reputation harmed? 
SelectYesNoItem 16

If so, in what way did she "suffer?" Her reputation Selectwaswas notItem 17 harmed by allegations of possible drug use

If so, in whose eyes was her reputation harmed?
Selectthe hospitalthe head surgeonItem 18

Must the harm involve monetary loss? 
SelectYesNoItem 19

Determining whether this statement was defamatory-which one doesn't apply? 
Selectfalse statement of factpublished to anotherharmed a reputationmonetary lossItem 20

Was this likely to be defamation? 
SelectYesNoItem 21

If so, what are the privileges available that may provide a defense to a defamation claim? 
SelectAbsoluteQualifiedPhysician'sPatientItem 22

Why or why not does a privilege apply? It applies because Hector Selecthaddid not haveItem 23 a legitimate concern for the safety of patients

Will Kristen be able to successfully sue Hector for defamation? 
SelectYesNoItem 24

Would this result change if Kristen was a world-renowned surgeon? 
SelectYesNoItem 25

Why? Hector's statement Selectwaswas notItem 26 privileged

What if Hector had told others on the floor about Kristen's illegal drug use? Would Kristen be able to successfully sue Hector for defamation? 
SelectYesNoItem 27

Why? Hector's statement to others on the floor Selectwaswas notItem 28 made out of concern for patient safety

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Biology: Sector believes his co-worker kristen is using illegal
Reference No:- TGS01303818

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